Wireless physiological measurements

Through a partnership with the Center for Clinical and Translational Research (CCTR), Immersion Lab users have access to a wireless sensor system to study physiological and behavioral human responses.

Wireless sensor system

EKG sensorThis wireless sensor system for physiological measurements is equipped with muscle, heart, acceleration, and force sensors.

Below you can see a researcher jumping rope while wearing the EKG sensor. The chart at the bottom shows electrocardiogram (EKG) signal from the wireless sensors, signal from the onboard accelerometer, and a signal from the onboard gyroscope.


wireless sensor system chart


Specific tools for physiological measurement in the Immersion Lab include:

Delsys Trigno wireless sensor system

Reliable, synchronized EMG + IMU recordings. Read more at Delsys.

CORE temperature monitor

The CALERA Research device gives access to high-resolution (1Hz) raw data:  core temperature, skin temperature, heart rate (ext.), acceleration in xyz, and heat-flux. Read more at CORE. 

Polar H10 heart rate sensor

Accurate heart rate monitoring even during high intensity exercise. Read more at Polar.

VO2 Master Analyzer

VO2 master provides the following information for every breath - tidal volume, ventilation, fraction of expired oxygen, pressure, temperature, humidity. This is in contrast with traditional spirometry where the data is being sampled at much higher rates, and the raw traces of these variables are available for further analysis. Read more at VO2 Master. 

Zephyr performance monitoring

Zephyr performance systems report on more than 40 physiological and biomechanical parameters based on six inputs. Collectively, this information yields insights into key biomarkers from the user. Read more at Zephyr.
(Coming soon)

Many application areas utilize tools for physiological measurements. See what you can do with these tools for: