New Chemical Request

If you want to use a chemical for your research that is not supplied by MIT.nano, this request requires review and approval prior to bringing the new chemical into the lab.

Your new chemical request is reviewed primarily for safety considerations, as well as potential impact on equipment and other processes done in the lab. To make a request, please fill out the new chemical registration form.

Guidelines for personal chemicals:

  • Approvals are for a 6-month duration, after which you must renew your request. Your chemicals will be disposed of if your request is not renewed.
  • Approved personal chemicals will be identified with a unique label and added to our chemical inventory. Unlabeled personal chemicals will be removed from the lab and may be disposed of without prior notification.
  • All chemicals must be brought into the lab by MIT.nano staff. Exceptions are approved on a case-by-case basis.


Chemicals in MIT.nano

search the SDS Library.