For Windows
- Right-Click here and select "Save Target As" to download the self-extracting exe file to your computer.
- Double-Click on the file you have just downloaded.
- Enter C:\ in the space provided and click on the "Extract" button. This will extract all the necessary files into c:\coral-remote.
- Double-Click on "My Computer" on your desktop.
- Double-Click on "C:" drive.
- Double-Click on "coral-remote" folder.
- There will be a shortcut contained in this folder called Coral (MIT.nano & MTL). If you wish to run Coral for MIT.nano & MTL, double-click on this shortcut. In addition, You can also copy it onto your desktop and run it from there.
For Linux
There is no "bundle" for Linux.
Java 8 should already be installed on a typical Ubuntu or Centos Linux installation by default.
For Centos, the required packages are:
- java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64
- java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless.x86_64
- java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel.x86_64
- icedtea-web.x86_64
For Ubuntu, the required packages are:
- openjdk-8-jdk
- openjdk-8-jdk-headless
- icedtea-netx
- icedtea-netx-common
To run MIT.nano & MTL Coral, you can simply type the following at a command prompt on a console/desktop login:
% javaws
For Mac
There is no "bundle" for the Mac.
If you do not have JRE 8 installed on your computer, please go here to download the latest JRE 8 release.
Once installed, you should then be able to go here to run Remote CORAL.
IMPORTANT NOTE: By default, coral-nobundle.jnlp will not be allowed to run because of Apple's security settings. You need to go to System Preferences --> Security and Privacy and either choose "Run anyway" ( If you already tried to run it and failed it will present this to you. ) or change the general apps setting to "Allow apps downloaded from anywhere."
Other Platforms
CORAL is Java based and should be platform independent. If you feel you are comfortable installing computer software and plan to install CORAL on other platforms, here are the general guidelines. Detailed instructions are not avaliable. The following software is required to run Remote CORAL.
- Java Run Time Environment - version 1.8.0_xx (aka JRE 8) If you do not have JRE 8 installed on your computer, please go here to download the latest JRE 8 release for personal use.